
How To Control Startup Programs In Windows 7

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Startup programs are saved in a special binder on the hard drive and run automatically when Windows boots upwards. In Windows 7, the default startup plan settings are similar to those of previous versions of Windows. To change startup programs in Windows 7, you may need to access the startup folder, change MSConfig settings, access individual program settings, or delete programs through your computer's regedit program.

  1. 1

    Open the Startup folder in Windows' showtime menu. Click the Windows "Get-go" button and select "All Programs." Scroll down the list to find the startup folder.

    • Right-click the "Startup" binder in the menu and select "Open All Users" to open the binder for all users on the estimator.
    • Choose "Explore" to open the folder for the currently logged-in user just.
  2. 2

    Create a shortcut to the programme or file you want to run at startup. Right-click on the file or program's icon, and select "create shortcut."

    • The shortcut volition be created in the same folder as the original program.
    • Startup items can be either programs or other files. For example, you tin ready a give-and-take processing document to open up upon startup.


  3. three

    Drag, or cutting and paste the shortcut icon into the Startup Folder. The program will now open the next time you lot commencement the computer.[1]

    • To cut and paste: Right-click on the shortcut item in the original folder and select "cutting" from the menu. Then, in the Startup folder, right click on whatever white space in the window and select "paste.
    • Or, highlight the shortcut icon and concord down ctrl+x. And so, with the startup binder active, printing ctrl+v.


  1. 1

    Click the Windows "Starting time" button and type "msconfig" in the search text box. Click on MSConfig in the search results.This opens the System Configuration console.

  2. ii

    Click the "Startup" tab. This gives you lot a view of the programs installed as startup options on your estimator.

    • Note that not all startup items will be shown.
    • You are not given the option to add together startup items to the list inside MSconfig.
    • To add items not on the MSconfig list, use the Startup Folder method.
  3. 3

    Cheque boxes of the applications you want to outset when you lot kick the computer. For programs you no longer want to start, clear the bank check box.

  4. 4

    Click "Apply." This will modify the changes you made to startup items.

  5. 5

    Reboot the computer to finalize changes to startup items. A popup window will ask if you desire to reboot the computer. Click "Restart" to reboot the computer and save the changes.

    • If you practise not restart your calculator, your startup programs volition revert to their original settings.
    • When y'all have deselected an item in MSConfig, you lot volition be starting in"Selective startup" fashion. This tin can be viewed under the "general" tab in MSconfig.
    • If you subsequently decide to cull Normal Startup", all disabled items will be re-enabled.[two]


  1. i

    Change the settings of the program itself to manage its startup options. This differs from program to program, and requires you lot to search for the startup setting by looking through menus such as "options," "preferences," "settings," or "tools," system tray icons, and and then forth.

    • To discover out how to alter a particular program'due south startup settings, await at the programme'due south "help" offerings, or practise an internet search.
    • For example, Skype, an internet telephony/chat program, can be disabled via Tools → Options → Full general Settings → deselect "Start Skype when I get-go Windows".
    • As another example, Dropbox, a file sharing and storage programme, tin be disabled by right-clicking the organisation tray icon (the icon in the windows toolbar near the clock), clicking the gear-shaped icon, so selecting "Preferences…"
  2. 2

    Utilise your computer'due south registry to delete startup items. Startup items can be deleted manually though your computer's "regedit" program.

    • Run across an overview of this process here.
    • Editing your computer'due south registry should but exist done as a last resort and simply if you know exactly what you are doing.[3]


  1. 1

    Avoid deleting files and programs indiscriminately. Deleting startup programs without knowing what they are can pb to certain applications not functioning properly.

    • Earlier making changes that you are unsure of, employ Organization Restore to create a "restore indicate" that you tin can revert to if something goes wrong.[4]
    • Many startup items have names that are somewhat descriptive, simply others are obscure abbreviations, and have functions that are difficult to identify.
  2. two

    Use an online list of programs and processes, or an internet search to identify what each thing does.

    • This may require some fourth dimension, equally it requires you lot to search for each file or process individually.
    • Some helpful lists include:[5]
      • Process Library: winner of PC Magazine's Peak 100 Classic Websites, 195k+ entries.
      • Pacman's Portal; an online startup plan database containing more 35K entries
  3. iii

    Use a program to automatically clean upwards startup items. There are many gratuitous, pop programs that tin can cleanup startup items for you, including items in the arrangement registry.

    • These programs ofttimes contain databases that are updated to include oftentimes occurring unnecessary items, likewise as other tools to amend your computer'southward performance.[6] [7]
    • Equally always, do ample enquiry to discover reputable programs to avoid dissentious your figurer.
    • Some pop programs include:
    • CCleaner
    • Should I remove it?


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  • Question

    PDF start up options inverse from the PDF icon to the Word option. How practice I change it back?

    Community Answer

    That's not a startup program. Yous should right click the file, hover over "open with", select the bottom option (information technology will be something similar "Choose another app"). In the new box that opens, make certain the checkbox at the bottom is selected and then click the OFF option, and relieve.

  • Question

    I have used the starting time technique simply it did non help me. What to do?



    Top Answerer

    Endeavour this: press the start button in the lower left corner, then type config.sys. The System Configuration Utility window should pop upwards.

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