
How To Install Xbox One Controller Driver

This write-up highlights the best methods to download, install, and update Xbox ane controller driver.

Microsoft's Xbox I controller is every gamer'south dream come up true. Information technology hosts almost every characteristic that y'all could imagine having in a game controller. If you have it, and so perchance you are a true gaming enthusiast. But, only having the best game controller is non enough. The compatible device drivers are needed to make it perform the style you would wait. Without a commuter, you won't be able to play your favorite games. Thus, this write-up focuses on the simple means to download the Microsoft Xbox One controller driver for Windows ten.

Thus, this write-up focuses on the simple ways to download and update the Xbox One controller driver for Windows 10.

Recommendation for Downloading the Latest version of Xbox 1 Controller Driver

Before starting with the different possible and constructive methods to download and update the Xbox 1 controller commuter, we would like to recommend the most flawless method of doing so. We are doing this for the people who do not have much time to read the whole write-upwardly. If you desire the most optimum solution to download and update their device drivers as presently equally possible, then y'all must download Bit Driver Updater. With this PC application, you can get the latest version of your device drivers just after performing a few clicks. You can become this competent driver updater program with the download button provided below.

download now button

How to Intall & Download Xbox One Controller Driver for Windows 10/8/7

Beneath are the methods through which you tin download the Microsoft Xbox I controller driver for Windows 10 and install information technology in the easiest possible manner.

Method one: Manually Download Xbox 1 Controller Driver for Windows 10 via Decive Director

Windows is an intelligent operating arrangement. It understands the needs of users well. Therefore, there is a utility in your PC known equally Device Managing director that takes care of all your driver-related concerns. Below is how to employ it to download the Xbox One controller commuter for Windows 10.

However, Windows may not exist able to download the Xbox One controller driver if the update is released merely before some time. If that happens, and so try the below methods to download, install, and update Xbox One controller commuter.

Method 2: Using Windows Update

You lot can install the Xbox I controller commuter via Windows update. Follow the below-mentioned steps to practise it.

  • Connect the controller with the PC through the USB port.
  • Let Windows find the alter in hardware.
  • Wait till the Windows update searches for the Xbox 1 controller drivers.
  • Subsequently the search is complete, download the required drivers.
  • Once the drivers are downloaded, install them on your PC.

Now, check whether the Xbox One controller works correctly or not. If information technology does not work properly, and then this means that the commuter is non installed and yous demand to download the Microsoft Xbox One controller commuter again.

Method three: Apply driver CD/DVD to download & install the commuter

Many times, the Xbox 1 controller comes with a driver CD or DVD. If you have also got it, so follow the below steps to download the Xbox I controller driver for Windows 10.

  • Insert the driver CD/DVD in the PC's drive.
  • Open "This PC" in Windows 10. If you lot have an older Windows version, then open "My Computer".
  • Double-click the CD/DVD that you have inserted to run it. If it fails to run, then double-click the ".exe extension" nowadays in the CD directory.
  • Follow the instructions that come up on the screen to end the driver installation.

In case you don't have a CD/DVD or this method does not piece of work for y'all, and so jump to the beneath method to install the Xbox 1 controller commuter.

Method 4: Download the Xbox I Controller Driver via Xbox Search

Yous can too manually download the driver for this device on Windows 10 via the Xbox controller search page. Follow the below instructions to do it.

Method 5: Download the Xbox One Controller Driver from the Official Website

The Microsoft Xbox One controller driver is also available on the official website of Microsoft. Below is how to get it from there.

How to Update Xbox I Controller Driver for Windows x

Hither we have the easiest methods through which you tin can update the Microsoft Xbox One controller driver for Windows 10.

Method ane: Update the Xbox 1 Controller PC Driver with Command Prompt

This method may seem a bit challenging to novice users. If yous are desirous of trying information technology to download and update the commuter, then follow these directions.

  • In the Cortana search box, blazon "Command Prompt" and right-click the topmost result.
  • Choose "Run as ambassador" from the correct-click card.
    Update the Xbox One controller PC driver with Command Prompt
  • Later on inbound the Command Prompt window, input the below-mentioned command.
    aggrandize -f:* Destination-Binder

In the in a higher place control, type the proper name of the CAB file in place of the update name and supplant the Destination Folder with the update folder'due south path.

  • Go to the above update folder and right-click on xb1usb.inf file.
  • Click on "Install" and choose "Aye."

Method 2: Use a USB cablevision

You can besides download the updated driver for Microsoft Xbox One controller via a USB cable. But, plug in your controller through the micro USB cable and you are proficient to go.

Method 3: Use the Xbox Accessories App

The creators of the Xbox provide an Xbox Accessories App for Windows that allows y'all to download or update the drivers of different products from Xbox. you can download the app, discover your Xbox Ane controller and download it to run the gamepad properly.

Method four: Update Xbox One controller drivers By Using Chip Driver Updater (Recommended)

Here's the best way not only to update, download, and install Xbox One controller drivers but all other hardware drivers as well. Flake Driver Updater is the program that you need to fulfill all your driver-related requirements and heave your PC'southward performance. Below we discuss how to employ it for installing the Xbox One Controller driver.

How to Update Xbox One Controller Commuter past Using Fleck Driver Updater

Encounter, information technology is quite simple to apply Bit Driver Updater The higher up three steps are all you need to follow. In addition to ease of use, we take several reasons for recommending Bit Driver Updater. We enlist the prominent ones below.

Why is Bit Driver Updater our topmost recommendation

  • It takes the PC'due south performance to greater heights and makes it a whole lot faster.
  • With this driver updater, you lot can schedule scans and run them whenever y'all want.
  • This commuter update utility lets you exclude the drivers that y'all don't desire to scan.
  • It is among the all-time multilingual driver updaters.
  • Bit Commuter Updater is compatible with all the latest versions of Windows.

The above list is not where our reasons for recommending this wonderful tool ends. This was just a small snapshot of them. You'll become to know the complete film, i.east., more advantages of using Bit Driver Updater once you use it by yourself. Thus, click on the download button to sentinel your PC turn into the fastest PC ever.

download now button

Forth with Scrap Driver Updater, you can as well give a try to Quick Driver Updater. It is also worthy of your attention.

Do you still have any questions in your mind virtually downloading, installing, and updating the Xbox One Controller commuter? If yep, then go through the next section to discover all your answers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Practise you need a driver for Xbox One Controller?

Xbox I Controller is a plug-and-play device. Hence, Windows downloads the drivers for it automatically when you connect it to the computer. However, in many instances, Windows may fail to do it. Then you need to go the drivers manually or with the help of the best driver update software similar Fleck Driver Updater. The driver smoothens the communication between your PC and controller to give yous a glitch-free gaming experience.

Q2. How do I install drivers on Xbox One Controllers?

To install the drivers for your Xbox One Controller, implement the steps shared below.

  • Open Device Manager.
  • Click on Xbox Peripherals.
  • Correct-click on the Xbox One controller and cull "Update driver software."
  • Select "Scan my computer for driver software."
  • Input the location that contains the driver, mark "Include subfolders", and click on the "Browse" button.
  • Choose the folder containing the commuter, click on "OK", and follow the on-screen instructions to consummate the installation.

Q3. How do I connect a controller to my PC?

Connecting the controller to the PC is simple. You lot can do it via a USB cable, Xbox wireless adapter, or using Bluetooth. You tin can learn more well-nigh connecting the controller to your computer from official site .

Q4. How do I bank check my Xbox controller driver version?

Follow the below steps to check the driver version of your Xbox controller.

  • Open Device Manager.
  • Click on Xbox Peripherals.
  • Click on Microsoft Xbox 1 Controller.
  • Cull Properties from the bachelor options.

Navigate to the Drivers tab and view the driver details.

Q5. How practise I solve Xbox One Controller Not Working on PC issue?

With the help of the methods and solutions listed in the to a higher place article, you can hands solve all the problems related to Xbox I Controller not working. Take the assistance of the steps listed in a higher place one by i, until your trouble is solved.

Download Xbox I Controller Driver: Done

Above nosotros learned the simple methods to download the Xbox One controller driver for Windows 10. Y'all can select any of them you find the easiest fashion to become the latest driver for your Xbox One controller. Lastly, don't forget to follow united states of america on our social media handles and subscribe to Innovana Weblog for more such tech cognition.

How To Install Xbox One Controller Driver,


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