
Can Citronella Oil Be Used As Termite Control

Use Essential Oils to Help Control Pests Accurate Aside from smelling divine, essential oils also have powerful insect-repelling properties. With consistent use, there are a wide multifariousness of oils that will non only accommodate your nose but your ability to make specific critters run for the hills, depending on what your pest issue is. Read upwardly on the what and how when information technology comes to DIY pest control with essential oils past adhering to the following:


Cockroaches Gather a few cotton assurance and dunk them with a few drops of citronella oil, peppermint oil or lemongrass, placing them in roach-prone areas, such equally in the pantry, or under your sink. Y'all can too infuse half a loving cup of water with 5 to 15 drops of either essential oils in a spray bottle, and apply the solution wherever the roaches appear.


Ants leave pheromone trails to betoken to other pathways to food. You lot tin discourage this by implementing botanical scents such as peppermint oil, tea tree oil, clove and lemongrass oils, which are known to interfere with these olfactory property trails. Using the aforementioned ratio as mentioned to a higher place, shake the bottle, so spray around entry points known to ants, such as baseboards.


Mosquitoes citronella candles are a well-known manner of keeping these blood-cartoon critters away, but y'all can besides use a few drops of citronella oil (equally well equally lemongrass oil, another known deterrent) in an oil burner. During the summer, carefully apply these oils inside of your lotions and other mixable cosmetics, to keep them from making you their meal.


Flies demand a natural remedy to deal with pesky buzzers? Place a handful of dried cloves in a bowl and sprinkle clove, lavander, citronella and/or peppermint oils on the pile, adding the oils on a regular basis. It's best to place the bowl in the kitchen, or in areas where you find flies accept a tendency to gather and enter, such as your doorways or windows.


Mice these hirsuite pests have a tendency to gather behind appliances (remember your refrigerator, washer or dryer), or in the attic or garage. These are the areas where you'll want to drop essential-oil infused cotton fiber balls, of which yous'll desire to utilize peppermint and/or eucalyptus – to help deter mice.

CALL IN THE PROFESSIONALS TO Deal WITH AN INFESTATION. If you suspect an out-of-control pest issue in your firm or are even looking for a preemptive strike against a potential infestation, exist sure to contact a licensed pest professional – such as Accurate Termite Command – to audit and treat whatever pest issues.

Can Citronella Oil Be Used As Termite Control,


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