
How Do You Disconnect The Alarm In A Johnson Outboard Motor Control

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    LEASEGUY Junior Member

    Simply put new powerhead on 1989 omc seadrive (1.6 ltr 140 hp same every bit Johnson Evinrude) besides put new command box and harness from box to transom, pretty much plug and play. Even if I unplug the sensors on the heads and the vro pump lead, notwithstanding abiding horn . All these wires are tan.
    Please I am really stuck on this and don't desire to run this new unit with no alarm. Cheers in advance for any help, communication or hints y'all can supply.
  2. charmc
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    charmc Senior Member

    No disrespect, only sometimes the obvious is the answer. You said you lot don't want to run it, and your topic heading says horn sounds with the key on. Have you started it?

    Protect the engine by mixing OB oil in your gas tank at the ratio (probably 50-one) stated in your manual. This will allow you to run it safely in example the vro pump is bad or a line blocked. If y'all're fortunate, the alarm will stop later a few seconds.

    It could also exist a case of needing to prime the vro pump and/or the fuel pump. Disconnect the line from the oil tank to the vro pump and squeeze the bulb, using a container to catch the oil, watching for air bubbling. Reconnect when yous have a steady stream. Practice the same for the fuel line.

    1 other thought. Has the water pump been rebuilt recently?

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    LEASEGUY Inferior Member

    Thanks Charlie, I did drive it a couple miles to my dock space with the horn sounding, the h2o pump I did with the powerhead besides as thermostats, I recall I take a grounded wire somewhere in one of the harnesses because the horn sounds even with all sensors unpluged , I am running a fifty:1 mix every bit part of the breakin process if you can recollect of anything else Im all ears
  4. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    Just a wild guess, just maybe you need to reverse the leads to the horn button so that the horn grounds at the push rather than feeding voltage to the horn. The horn button may need to ground rather than feed.
    So from the horn fuse, bypass the button and go hot directly to the terminal on the horn, and then tie the sensor wire to the ground wire from the horn, and and so ground the other button final.
    The sensor wire is probably tied into the grounding circuit at present. The horn should merely basis after the horn button doing it this way, and I tin't see whatsoever other fashion it would work anyhow.


  5. charmc
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    charmc Senior Fellow member

    I tend to concur with Tim that it's probable an electrical trouble, peculiarly since it runs OK (fuel) and didn't overheat when you ran it after replacing water pump and t-stat.

    Hither are some links that might help:

    http://world wide

  6. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Fellow member

    The temp sensor is a small rubbery thing in the cylinder caput. Disconnect it,--if it still blows you take an world from the horn.
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How Do You Disconnect The Alarm In A Johnson Outboard Motor Control,


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