Warning: This article contains potentially agonizing imagery and violence from the video game Dying Light 2: Stay Homo.

Despite being branded as a horror-based video game, Dying Low-cal two: Stay Human's glitches have provided fans with some laughs. Even later several patches and updates, fans notwithstanding detect not simply their characters but as well NPCs in the game having superhuman abilities that are not meant to exist a part of the gameplay, like floating characters or brooms that clean up messes all on their own.

Since the release of the game on February 4, 2022, fans have enjoyed the intense zombie-apocalypse setting and the scares information technology provides, making the comic relief of the glitches fifty-fifty more unexpected and hilarious.

Zombies Or The Exorcist?

Every bit GameSpot shows, some players accept run into several NPCs in the game who are experiencing seemingly supernatural possession every bit they expect to be interacted with by the role player.

The NPCs' bodies volition repeatedly twist and contort into unnatural positions, making the characters await more similar something from The Sims than a horror game. While the movements are funny at starting time, they become almost as horrifying equally the game's zombies the longer players lookout man the actions.

Characters Flying Through The Air

Soon afterwards the game was released, fans, such as Dash Burn, noticed their avatars were trying to accept flying when they attempted to climb. The glitch would throw players into the sky, with nowhere to become merely down. Upon their landing, they automatically dice.

At times, characters resemble something from an one-time Looney Tunes cartoon. Despite players being aggravated by the glitch, players did find their characters frantically trying to observe a landing identify amusing. Fans of the Assassin's Creed series experienced like glitches throughout the games.

An Unexpected Surprise

Similar all the best zombie-based games, Dying Light 2'southward main objective is to eliminate zombies, gainsay other players, and stay alive. Players like GameSpot noticed that if an object is near, recently extinguished zombies or other players may appear within the matter.

The glitch happens well-nigh ofttimes when the objects in question accept lids. The glitch gives players a macabre jack-in-the-box fashion surprise that provides an unintentional jumpscare, which can brand for classic comedy gold.

Falling Through The Ground

Players have experienced a glitch that the game developers have since patched, according to Gaming Hybrid. Players would try and walk upward an incline and find themselves under the landscape they were about to traverse. The glitch allowed people to run into through the ground above them only left them trapped.

Existence stuck under the ground left players looking more similar mimes trying to escape an invisible box than combatants attempting to survive in a terrifying world. The glitch gives players a cursory reprieve from running for their lives and allows them to hide from other players for a moment.

A Disney Easter Egg?

Dying Light 2 has no amalgamation with Disney, only in a YouTube video posted past TheAwkwardGuy, one player noticed that when other players were set on fire, they sounded like the infamous seagulls featured in Finding Nemo. Co-ordinate to Gaming Hybrid, this audio glitch and several others have been fixed throughout the game's patches and updates.

Given the farthermost circumstances of the glitch, information technology is difficult to laugh, but once the connexion to the seagulls is made, it is difficult not to chuckle at the foreign noises the characters make in their attempts to flee.

Magic Hammer

Redditor MR_DELORIAN noticed a glitch in the game that gave household tools magical abilities. The NPCs are given tasks similar sweeping or, in this case, making repairs. The hammer is supposed to be held by the NPC, but instead, it floats under its own power and continues to hammer at the wood on the wall.

The scene looks like something out of Ghostbusters rather than a horror game. But these helpful ghosts are seen in other parts of the game, sometimes taking over brooms and other tools.

Party For Ane

Reddit user CanadianDashFire shared a glitch that shows the zombies are non immune to the glitches inside the game. In one instance, the player caught a zombie having its own private silent disco as the rest of the zombies shuffled around the abandoned infinite.

The movements brand the zombie await like they are at a rave rather than a mankind-eating creature. The glitch has been seen with other NPCs in the game and was even so in the game as of a calendar month ago.

A Modify In Scenery

I Reddit user named Misterman2158 experienced a glitch that moved them from their objective to falling through the flooring. The funniest part of the glitch is the accompanying dialogue. Just every bit the character finishes saying, "This isn't the correct section," the grapheme is, in fact, transported to another "section."

The unintentionally advisable language has made fans chuckle fifty-fifty though they run across their demise soon after, and it is a glitch that will live on every bit i of the funniest of the game.

Floating Main Characters

Later in the aforementioned video, Redditor MR_DELORIAN shared a glitch like to ane establish in The Witcher 3. In this case, 1 of the main characters in the game floats in the air as if there is cipher abnormal about it.

Again, the dialogue aids in the comedic value of this glitch. Players wouldn't exist likely to find the glitch if the graphic symbol had not been referring to her shoes at the same fourth dimension she stepped off the platform. The character would float, and no one would exist the wiser.

Clones Of The Player's Avatar

YouTuber rampage Idiot box defenseless a moment in the game when their avatar appeared in front of them, headless and performing the same movements as they were. The glitch is no more terrifying than whatever of the other mishaps in the game but does provide a comedic moment.

The strange moment creates an out-of-torso feel that is unexpected and humorous equally the headless avatar tries to navigate the map before morphing back into the original avatar.

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