The most hardcore fans of theKingdom Hearts series know thatCritical Way is the ultimate challenge in any of the mainline titles. Dissimilar some of the other games, you don't have to wait, or pay, for a terminal mix version of Kingdom Hearts three to access this ultimate difficulty way. While the style itself is more accessible than always, being released every bit a gratis update, playing it is annihilation but. Don't allow this mode pull your middle into darkness past following ourguide.

How To Unlock Kingdom Hearts 3 Disquisitional Mode

Unlocking Disquisitional Manner is going to be the easiest step. Every bit previously mentioned, Critical Modes have typically been included in the final mix re-releases of Kingdom Hearts titles, but that is not the example with Kingdom Hearts 3. Critical Fashion was noticeably absent-minded upon the game'due south release, only going upwards to Proud Mode. Thankfully the game'due south manager announced that a Critical Mode would exist released as office of a free update to the game simply a few months after release.

This update will automatically download as long as you play Kingdom Hearts three with an internet connection. One time downloaded, you tin can select this way on the main menu. You will demand to beginning a new game to play, however, since you cannot modify the difficulty of a game once it is started.

Kingdom Hearts three Disquisitional Mode Changes

Disquisitional Mode is more just a simple vitrify to enemy health and damage like how some other RPGs might tweak the difficulty, and is even different from previous KH titles. This mode is designed to make you rely on all the game's mechanics, such as smart use of accessories, magic, summons, food, and everything else yous can to give yourself merely enough of an edge to make it through.

On the surface, yous'll find four main changes right away.

  • Sora'due south HP and MP are cutting in half, and enemy damage is increased.
  • You will become fewer situation commands, including course changes, attraction flows, and g magic.
  • The AI is much more aggressive and intelligent in their attacks.
  • Sora begins the game with a number of abilities he usually wouldn't, including three exclusive to Critical Mode.

That this all culminates in is a mode where you're looking at almost enemies being able to take you downwardly in just a couple hits, and because your HP tin never reach more than half the maximum of other modes, you'll never be able to simply level yourself up into a tank.

Kingdom Hearts 3 Critical Mode Abilities

Critical Fashion isn't completely 1-sided in how information technology scales difficulty, however, and in exchange for all the negatives it is throwing at you gives you fifteen abilities right at the commencement of the game. These abilities will become essential to your survival, especially the three Disquisitional Mode Exclusive abilities. The abilities y'all might recognize are:

  • Aeriform Recovery - When hit in the air, press O to recover so you can counter or evade.
  • Counter Slash - Tap X afterwards blocking an assault to counter with a broad slash.
  • Counter Impact - Performed the aforementioned as Counter Slash, but instead launches enemies.
  • Counter Kick - Pressing O later on a cake will have Sora leap forward to kicking an enemy.
  • Final Blow - After a successful reprisal, press X to immediately begin a philharmonic on a new enemy.
  • Risk Dodge - If an enemy blocks your set on, press O to dodge their counter, and O over again to counter-attack.
  • Rising Spiral - During a combo, press O to perform a launcher to extend your combo into the air.
  • Groundbreaker - While air comboing an enemy, press O to slam them into the ground.
  • Air Slide X3 - Printing Foursquare while holding in the direction of an enemy in the air to air dash in that direction. The more Air Slides equipped, the further you lot will go.
  • Superslide X3 - While in a flowmotion state, hold a direction and press Foursquare to air dash smashing distances. Again, the more you have, the farther you can get.
  • Combo Primary - Even if an attack in your combo doesn't hit an enemy, the philharmonic won't end until you either striking the finisher or cease attacking.
  • Damage Control - Reduces the harm Sora takes by half when your HP is at or below 25%.

The three new Critical Manner Skills are:

  • Disquisitional Counter - Increases damage done by reprisals if yous block at the concluding moment before an enemy attack lands.
  • Critical Recharge - Your situation command gauge will fill faster while your MP is recharging.
  • Critical Converter - Allure commands no longer appear, and instead filling your control gauge will always result in a form alter.

Importing Keyblades In Critical Mode

Because there's no real NG+ system in KH3, and no way to change the difficulty subsequently starting a game, where does that leave all the Keyblades you've collected? Well, as long every bit yous take an existing game clear data saved, you are able to import them all to your brand new Critical Mode playthrough.

Upon selecting new game, even if you lot don't intend on playing on Critical Manner, you lot will exist asked if you lot desire to deport over your Keyblades and Selfie Poses onto your new file. Just select Yes and y'all will have your total arsenal right from the starting time.

Critical Mode Tips & Tricks To Beat out

The virtually important decision in Critical Mode, and to a lesser extent any other mode, is the selection of which attributes you lot want to prioritize in the Swoop to the Centre. While yous tin can absolutely become abroad with any combination in other difficulties, choosing annihilation merely the powers of Wisdom and Mystic are going to exist a major handicap.

The buffs to health from Balance and Vitality may seem skilful, merely don't actually let yous alive any longer in this style because of how much harder the enemies hit. On the other paw, having even one or two extra spells can make or break a shut battle when used correctly.

Beyond that, at that place are a ton of little tricks you should keep in heed when attempting a Critical run.

  • Do not button mash. Standard, and even Proud to some extent, volition permit yous go away with mashing the X button to win most fights, and even dominate battles if you level yourself up plenty. This won't piece of work on Critical Way. Y'all'll need to focus on dodging, countering, and only striking when there'south a condom opening.
  • Don't rush big groups. Over again, y'all're way more fragile now than you might be used to, so even any group can exist lethal if y'all run in Keyblade swinging. Rely on AOE magic and picking off isolated targets.
  • Go expert at cooking. Cooking is an optional mini-game that many people overlooked, but yous can't afford to ignore the buffs these meals can give you. The extra health and harm is going to make a world of divergence on sure bosses, and then really pay attention to Donald for one time when he says there are some ingredients around.
  • Change up your gear. Instead of just throwing on whatever new accessory you pick up and leaving it until the side by side one pops up, you need to constantly be swapping them around based on what you're going upwardly against. Focus on building to buff your elemental resistances to really modify the tide of dominate fights. Additionally, proceed your healing and MP items stocked upwardly and mapped to your quick select. You might have to get used to stopping past Moogle shops more frequently to refill your stock considering of how often you'll be relying on them.
  • Salve everything for yourself. Forget your party members, they're not going to relieve you (insert useless Donald meme here). Equip all the best stuff on yourself, only use buffs on yourself, and don't waste matter money or resource upgrading or synthesizing their weapons. The only matter yous should do is make full their pockets with extra healing items and setting their AI to only e'er apply them on you.

Next: Kingdom Hearts 3: Complete Gummi Ship Guide